Reference Guide: Lists

This section is a reference guide to classes/interfaces built by API on top of List abstract data type:

Advantages and disadvantages of each data structure as List implementation are described in great detail by this section. Please review it carefully in order to decide which solution suits your business needs!

To see how can above classes be iterated, please review iterators section. To see a real life example how can above classes be used, please have a look at unit tests.


Interface that defines operations one can perform on a List abstract data type


template <typename T> class List


Method Signature Description
~List virtual ~List () Deletes elements inside from heap memory
operator[] virtual const T& operator[] (const std::size_t& index) const = 0 Gets element in list by position
clear virtual void clear () = 0 Clears list of all elements
addToHead virtual void addToHead (const T& value) = 0 Adds element to end of list
addToTail virtual void addToTail (const T& value) = 0 Adds element to start of list
get virtual const T& get (const std::size_t& index) const = 0 Gets element in list by position
set virtual void set (const std::size_t& index, const T& value) = 0 Sets value of element in list by position
emplace virtual void emplace (const std::size_t& index, const T& value) = 0 Appends element to list after position
isEmpty virtual bool isEmpty () const = 0 Checks if list is empty
size virtual const std::size_t& size () const = 0 Gets number of elements in list
containsIndex virtual bool containsIndex (const std::size_t& index) const = 0 Checks if list contains a position
containsValue virtual bool containsValue (const T& value) const = 0 Checks if list contains a value
removeIndex virtual void removeIndex (const std::size_t& index) = 0 Removes element in list by position
removeValue virtual void removeValue (const T& value) = 0 Removes element in list by value
begin virtual ListIterator<T>* begin () = 0 Returns an iterator to the first element of list
end virtual ListIterator<T>* end () = 0 Returns an iterator to the element following last element of list


Class that implements Dynamic Array data structure on top of List abstract data type


template <typename T, int (*comparator)(const T&, const T&) = comparator<T>> class ArrayList : public List<T>

Additional Methods

Method Signature Description
ArrayList ArrayList () Constructs a Dynamic Array of unknown initial size
ArrayList ArrayList (const std::size_t& reservedSize) Constructs a Dynamic Array of known size
sort void sort (bool (*comparator) (const T&, const T&)) Sorts elements inside list according to comparator


Class that implements Linked List data structure on top of List abstract data type


template <typename T, int (*comparator)(const T&, const T&) = comparator<T>> class LinkedList : public List<T>

Additional Methods

Method Signature Description
LinkedList LinkedList () Constructs a Linked List
sort void sort (bool (*comparator) (const T&, const T&)) Sorts elements inside list according to comparator


Class that implements Doubly Linked List data structure on top of List abstract data type


template <typename T, int (*comparator)(const T&, const T&) = comparator<T>> class DoublyLinkedList : public List<T>

Additional Methods

Method Signature Description
DoublyLinkedList DoublyLinkedList () Constructs a Doubly Linked List
sort void sort (bool (*comparator) (const T&, const T&)) Sorts elements inside list according to comparator