Data Structures: Linked Lists

What is a LINKED LIST?

A linked list is a sequential data structure where every value is encapsulated into a node that links to a next node. If C++ is used, each node must follow a prototype like:

template<typename T> struct LinkedListNode { T value; LinkedListNode* next; };

Taking this linking chain together, nodes (all allocated at random RAM positions) form the appearance of a sequence. In order to make it efficient when writing at both HEAD and TAIL, keeping separate track of these nodes as well as list SIZE is a de-facto requirement! C++:

template<typename T> class LinkedList { ... private: LinkedListNode<T>* head; LinkedListNode<T>* tail; std::size_t size; };

How values are added to linked list tail:


As you can notice in animation above, by keeping track only of next node, it supports only forward traversal (HEAD to TAIL)! For a complete implementation example, check LinkedList class documentation or its GitHub code.

What are its strengths and weaknesses?

How does it implement LIST abstract data type?

As a sequential data structure, linked list can be used to implement many abstract data types. Let us take its List implementation as an example to understand how it works:

Operation Description
addToHead Encapsulates VALUE, links itself to old HEAD (if exists), makes itself HEAD, then increments SIZE.
addToTail Encapsulates VALUE, links previous TAIL (if exists) to itself, sets itself as TAIL then increments SIZE
clear Loops through the linking chain, dealocates every structure found, resets SIZE to zero.
containsIndex Checks if position is smaller than SIZE.
containsValue Loops through the linking chain and checks if any value of entry equals VALUE by COMPARATOR.
emplace Encapsulates VALUE, loops through the linking chain until POSITION-1 is reached, links entry found there to itself, links itself to entry found at POSITION, then increments SIZE.
get Loops through the linking chain and returns value of entry found at POSITION.
set Loops through the linking chain and modifies value of entry found at POSITION with VALUE.
removeIndex Loops through the linking chain until POSITION-1 is reached, links entry found to that at POSITION+1, deallocates entry found at POSITION then decrements SIZE.
removeValue Loops through the linking chain keeping track of position. If next entry value matches VALUE by COMPARATOR, deallocates matching entry, links entry at POSITION-1 to that at POSITION+1 then decrements SIZE.
isEmpty Checks if SIZE equals zero
size Gets SIZE value

What are its strengths and weaknesses?

Compared to Dynamic Array as List implementation, linked list thus fits a very different profile: